Staff Resources resources
07. Community Project (1)

A zip file containing the word documents and data file for the "SPSS Workbook for New Statistics Tutors". The workbook and associated files provide self-study training for tutors to carry out key topics in SPSS but assumes the new tutor is able to interpret the output. This was contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield). The solutions and datasets needed are contained in the resources entitled “Solutions to SPSS Workbook for New Statistics Tutors” and “Data for SPSS Workbook for New Statistics Tutors”.
08. Staff Resources (16)

Data sets for the self-study training resource for new statistics tutors entitled "SPSS Workbook for New Statistics Tutors". These were developed by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a paper-based scenario aimed to be used as part of the tutor training workshop using the resource entitled "Introductory Statistics and Hypothesis Testing". This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

These slides are aimed to be used in a workshop to train mathematics (or new statistics) tutors who need to provide statistics support. They cover key topics including hypothesis testing and choosing the right test. These slides were developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Ruth Fairclough (University of Wolverhampton).

Solutions to the self-study training resource for new statistics tutors entitled "SPSS Workbook for New Statistics Tutors". These were developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a paper-based scenario aimed to be used as part of the tutor training workshop using the resource entitled "Introductory Statistics and Hypothesis Testing". This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a publicity leaflet from statstutor ( resources that are available for statistics support for students and staff.

A handy quick guide to statistical tests and techniques for those providing statistics support. This covers when to use each technique along with the interpretation of results, checking assumptions and what to do if the assumptions are not met. This was developed by the MASH Centre at the University of Sheffield and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and reviewed by Jean Russell and Nick Fieller, (University of Sheffield).

A handy quick guide to statistical tests and techniques for those providing statistics support. This covers when to use each technique along with the interpretation of results, checking assumptions and what to do if the assumptions are not met. This was developed by the MASH Centre at the University of Sheffield and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and reviewed by Jean Russell and Nick Fieller, (University of Sheffield).

This short video is aimed at statistics tutors and provides an illustration of how not to provide statistics support. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a written transcript file for the short video entitled "Video Based Statistics Tutor Training Do's and Don'ts: Careful with the maths!". This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This short video is aimed at statistics tutors and provides an illustration of good and bad practice in providing statistics support when the tutor is asked about an unfamiliar technique. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a written transcript file for the short video entitled “Video Based Statistics Tutor Training Do's and Don'ts: Conjoint Analysis”. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This scenario-based training video is aimed at statistics tutors and intersperses a recorded statistics support session with discussion points, questions and issues to consider. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a written transcript file for the scenario-based training video entitled "Video Based Statistics Tutor Training: Mass Customisation Scenario". This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This scenario-based training video is aimed at statistics tutors and intersperses a recorded statistics support session with discussion points, questions and issues to consider. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).

This is a written transcript file for the scenario-based training video entitled â??Video Based Statistics Tutor Training: Porosity Scenarioâ??. This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall and Scott Smith (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).