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Calculating Expected Frequencies in Two Way Tables resources

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02. Video Tutorials (2)

Resource type Calculating Expected Frequencies
This short video explains the meaning of expected frequencies and how to calculate them in the context of undertaking a Chi-Squared test. The video was scripted by John Marriott (Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education) and presented by Dr Alun Owen (Loughborough University). This accompanies the case study video which uses a Chi-Squared test to assess whether the type of accomodation university students live in is associated wih their year of study.
Resource type Chi-square test using SPSS, interpretation and significance (assumptions violated)
How to use SPSS to compute a chi-square test for 2-way tables and interpret the output when assumptions have been violated (use Fisher's exact or Likelihood ratio instead). Includes choosing a coefficient, effect size and corresponding p-value. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.